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Top 5 Questions: Spells

Do spells really work?

Yes and No depending on who you ask. We can identify many people who will tell you that the use of spells has changed their lives, but we can also find plenty of people who don’t believe in their effects. Spell experience is very personal and subjective. In our opinion, the only way to know is to try and judge for yourself.

How do spells work?
Spells are a way of focusing energy to bring about change. During a casting, energy is raised and channeled, Methods of raising energy include dancing, chanting, meditating, prayer, symbolism and artifacts, The spell is then spoken in a way to focus the energy to the achievement of a purpose. We believe that spells work on a quantum mechanical level making the improbable possible.

How long does it take before a spell works?
Spells can have an instant effect typically experienced through positive sensations or good feelings after the spell is cast. Our experience shows that in around 1 months’ time, one should be experiencing the changes induced by the spell. In our opinion, if a spell does not fulfill its purpose in 3 months, we consider the spell and spell caster unsuccessful.

Do spell effects vary?
Yes, the extent of the power of the spell fluctuates. For example, a wealth spell can instigate various one-time amounts received through different channels such as a tax-return or through the generosity of relatives or organizations. But it could also express itself in the form of new career opportunities, which in turn generates the increase in wealth.

Can I try more than one spell?
Yes, it is possible to try more than one spell by, for example, combining a wealth and love spell. It is also possible to request a double casting of the same spell from a spell caster. Lastly, it is also possible to try the same type of spell across spell casters. We do not recommend this though, if you wish to properly evaluate the spell casters and their spell’s effects.

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Top 5 Questions: Spell Casters

Which spell caster should I choose?
Choose the spell caster that feels right for you. Our recommendations are based on the spell caster’s clients’ experiences as well as our own, but this should only be used as guidelines. Spell experiences are subjective and therefore the choice should be solely your own. Ask yourself; “Who feels right?” 

How are spell casters evaluated? applies both quantitative and qualitative measures in our assessment of spell casters. Aliases are used to prevent bias in the form of preexisting client opinions.’s website provides a platform for further data gathering and evaluation. We limit the number for featured spell casters to three and assign a rank based on their results. The rankings consist of a 1st choice, a 2nd choice and a challenger to the established hierarchy.

Are there differences between spell casters?
Yes. In our opinion, clearly some spell casters are better than others. aims to identify the best, analyze their performance, contribute with a valid assessment of their skills and provide access to their services.

How do I share my experience after trying a spell caster?
There is a form found beneath each spell casters page. We recommend you sharing your experience and expectations right after your spell cast as well as your results after 3 months’ time. You are also welcome to grade the caster on a scale from 1 to 5, where 5 would be “Very Satisfied” and 1 would be “Very Unsatisfied”.

Can I recommend a spell caster for testing?
Yes, If you know of, or are, a spell caster with extraordinary ability, please do not hesitate in contacting us through our contact form as we would very much like to hear from you. In return, we offer the opportunity to have your skills recognized by a wider audience as well as the chance to help a large number of people attain happiness in their lives

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Top 4 Questions; Participation

How much does it cost to try a spell?
The price for trying a spell is $9.99. This includes the spell casters fee as well as administration and developmental costs. Generally,  a spell casters’ fee  is perceived as the token of sacrifice you offer to the universe in return for receiving what you desire. In practicality, the fee helps to sustain the selflessness in casters which provides them with the optimal platform for life enhancing.

How can I make payment?
Transactions are processed through PayPal which allows for different payment options.  Choose "Pay with my PayPal account"  or choose "Pay with a debit or credit card, or Bill Me Later" after clicking the buy button. We are comfortable with their global security level and their system helps to ensure the validity of’s data gathering.


What do I do after ordering a spell?
  After processing your order, you will be re-directed you to's Order Confirmation page where you can help your chosen spell caster with the following information about yourself:

- Your full name

- Gender

- Date of birth

- Country and city

- Picture of yourself

- Description of your wish and needs.




Is there any guarantee or refund policy?
Spells are not an exact science and therefore, there will always be a risk that the spell won't materialize or that the spell's effect will be minimal. The spell’s success will depend on the spell caster’s abilities as well as the person, for whom the spell is cast. Due to these variables, cannot guarantee the success of a spell. As fees go to the spell casters and methodological improvement costs, we cannot offer refunds and all orders are final. Please read our Terms and Conditions carefully before placing an order.  Please also note that this service is sustained by people who want the same thing, namely to find the best spell casters and to help them to help us achieve a better, happier life.